Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Arts Touring Alliance

The Arts Touring Alliance is a province service organization that promotes arts touring in Alberta. We have two components that could help you find artists for your school.
 1.    Young Audience Directory – this directory contains contact information for performing artists and residency artists.  This is a free service. 
2.    Anglo Franco – this is a showcase of performing artists who perform in both english and french who will be touring to Alberta schools next year. This is for those looking primarily for performances although some of the artists do have residency programs. See 10 artists LIVE to see if they are a good fit for your school.  This showcase is on the afternoon of April 20th in Edmonton, just prior to the Alberta School Council Association’s provincial conference. If you are sending a parent to this conference, you might also want to consider sending them to the Showcase. Cost is $50.  For more on the above information go to <> .  

Call for Presenters

The Beginning Teacher's Conference is being held October 25-27, 2012 in Edmonton. If you are interested in presenting or know of someone who would present on behalf of the Fine Arts Council, please contact or forward their names to:
Gayla Worden

Call for Presenters

The Annual Fine Arts Council Conference will take place
October 25-27, 2012 in Edmonton, Alberta. Please visit the following website to download the Call for Presenters document.