Monday, December 13, 2010


Hello Everyone,

During my two-year term as your art rep I want us to do something big. I have a plan in mind and I will need all of your help. Our EARFAC representative said something very important in our sit-down meeting at the Fine Arts Conference. She said that we just can’t keep saying how important the arts are – we have to get out into the community and show people how important the arts are. That got me thinking…

In November I joined an exhibition called, International Women Celebrate. It’s an exhibition to celebrate the 100th year of International Women’s Day. One hundred women from around the world are submitting an artwork (24x24”) depicting their story about what it means to be a woman. The 100 pieces of artwork will be displayed in a gallery in Ayr, Ontario for six weeks in March/April 2011 and a book is being published with our work and our stories.

I share this story with you because its inspired me to do something similar with Alberta’s art students. The “powers-at-be” will start to write our new art curriculum in two years and wouldn’t it be perfect to have a student exhibition showing at the Art Gallery of Alberta in Edmonton and then at the Glenbow in Calgary to communicate the importance of art education in our schools. I envision 100 pieces of student artwork – all 24x24” (for uniformity and impact) – communicating why the arts are a vital part of their education. I also envision a published book and the media being heavily involved.

Donna Kaminski, our FAC treasurer is also involved in the Women’s Exhibition and we have been discussing the student exhibition idea. We are trying to get together on all PD days (however, this can sometimes be difficult) – the next one being Monday January 31st. To pull this endeavor off we will need to develop a committee to:
1)   Iron out details – get the plan in motion
2)   Write a grant or grants for art supplies, publishing, maybe an artist in residence etc.
3)   Write lessons plans for teachers to guide their students’ works – we want students’ works to communicate why the arts are a vital part of their education
4)   Begin relationships with the Art Gallery of Alberta, the Glenbow Museum and with the media

Please take some time over the holidays to think about if you would be interested in pursing this endeavor with Donna and I – maybe to be called, “Alberta’s Students Speak Up”

Also, please let me know if you are able to join me on the January 31st PD day (you’ll have to get permission from your principal). You will be working within an Art PLC to learn to write grants, lesson plans, develop relationships with art organizations outside of school and to run a large art exhibition involving Alberta’s Art students.

In the meantime, enjoy a very well deserved break! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


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